Getting your blood drawn can be a nerve-wracking experience. Our experienced phlebotomists will guide you through the process as we collect your blood work. Blood testing is an important part of health and wellness and should happen at least once a year in order for you to keep track of your health. With our mobile phlebotomy services, Unicare Lab Testing LLC makes medical testing easy! To schedule our medical testing services, contact Unicare Lab Testing LLC today!
Routine Labs available at mobile Labs:
CRP CBC CMP TSH Lipid HIV Mercury -Blood Mercury-Urine PSA Rubella IGG Ab Rubeola Agg Ab T3 Total T4 Total T3 free Testosterone Free & Total Vit D 25 Varicella Zoster ABS IGG Urinalysis Hep A, Hep B, Hep C HCG Beta(Pregnancy Test) ABO Group Type & RH Calcium Lead MMRProfile Syphilis(RPR)
No Doctor or Prescription is required to have these tests done.